Jenny Tennant

Jenny was born in Manchester and has been on the run ever since, with stints in Italy, Ukraine, Latvia, eastern Russia, China, the US and France. After studying at Cambridge she was a postgraduate fellow in Russian and Chinese literature at Stanford then Paris 3 University, before leaving academia to focus on writing. She completed the Creative Writing MA while living on dole cheques, badly paid jobs and other people’s floors, and commuting from Paris on the overnight bus. She is currently training as a conference interpreter.



17 Solitary Pine Street is set in contemporary Italy during an economic crisis and heat wave. It explores Hume’s statement that ‘reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions’. Christopher Moretti, an apparently brilliant young philosopher at the University of Rome, has a guilty secret: all his research articles, blog posts and presentations are written for him by Bruno Babocci – a paralysed genius with whom he’s in love.